Brian Schwabauer

Creating a podcast

They’re with you when go on a run. They’re with you in the car. They’re the voice inside your head. What am I talking about? Podcasts! Over the past couple of months, my wife and I have been recording a podcast called One Part Laugh, One Part Life.

One Part Laugh, One Part Life is a quirky podcast where we talk about life’s most interesting topics and laugh at our own jokes. I’m not lying about that. We literally laugh at our own jokes. Granted, when you record a podcast, there isn’t anyone else to laugh at your jokes…so you have to laugh at yourself.

Pretty much sums up our relationship…


A selfie of the first podcast we recorded.

We started recording in October and have released one per week ever since. You can check them out on iTunes, SoundCloud, our website, or any other place that podcasts are available. Let us know what you think. We would also love to get some listener questions (from our website).


If you’re interesting in making your own podcast, here are some things I’ve learned so far:

  1. They really aren’t that hard to make. It’s just a matter of getting a mic (a phone mic would do) and hitting the record button. A quick google search will show a ton of resources on where to upload the files. You can use Audacity as a free sound editor.
  2. They take longer than expected. Jordan and I spend 4+ hours every Sunday brainstorming, recording, editing, uploading, and writing each podcast episode. It doesn’t have to take that long, but if you want to have decent quality content, it takes time.
  3. We have gotten much better over time (and will probably continue to improve). When I listen back to the first episode I think “Wow, we talked really slowly. And we were boring. And we didn’t sound confident”. Listening to the older ones can feel embarrassing. Podcasting is a different type of format that takes time to get used to. The delivery is different, the tone of voice is different, and the fact that you are speaking to a mic and not a person is different.
  4. Don’t make the podcast more than 15 minutes long. People have short attention spans. In the words of the philosopher Sweet Brown, “Ain’t nobody got time for that”
  5. Do it for you, not your audience. Jordan and I are not making this podcast so we can become “The Next Big Thing.” Instead, it’s a way for us to grow together while improving some of our skillsets. There’s something amazing about collaborating with your spouse to create something awesome. It’s a great experience. Everyone should do it.


This is how the podcast will make you feel.